Create a Tarwheel’s Route Cue Sheet

When you submit a RideWithGPS route number, the following items are added
to the Tarwheel’s Route Cue Sheet Repository:

  • A formatted Cue Sheet for the route saved as a pdf file
  • The Cue Sheet for the route saved as a .csv file

Entering a route that already exists will update all of the files in the repository with what is currently available for the route on the RideWithGPS site.

Enter the RideWithGPS Route Number here:

NOTE to Route Creators:

When you are creating your routes you have the ability into insert points of interest as Rest Stops in club rides.  They can also be used to clarify starting and ending instructions.

However, for routes being developed outside of the Club account where inserting points of interest is not available.
You may use the following formatting work around:

If the route description includes a double hash “##”
the formatter will force a new line so the following text will be on the next line.

If a ## is found in the first line, the formatter assumes that this is a directional cue for the start.
The text before the ## will be added before the line containing directional information.

If a ## is found on the last line, the formatter assumes that the last cue is the end point of the
route.  Only the total distance is added to that cue.