The Tarwheels have our own route archive on RideWithGPS. Ride leaders should use our archive to create and/or share routes for your rides. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Go to and create a free personal account if you do not have one already
  2. Go to and click the “Link” to be added to RideWithGPS club member list. This will add the Tarwheels club to your profile for easy access.
  3. If you wish to create routes, send a request to to get “edit” access to the routes.  Once access is granted, please follow the route naming conventions and cue sheet creation process as described on the Tarwheels RideWithGPS page.
  4. Click on the initials  of any starting code to see thumbnails of all of the routes from that starting location.  This will give all the information you need to include a route link in your ride announcement on Meetup

For more information or assistance with our Tarwheels route archive, please contact