Once a year, the Carolina Tarwheels Bicycle Club awards grants from the profits of our annual Bikefest ride in Hillsborough to local organizations that support and promote cycling.  In the past, we have donated money to a variety of bicycle related organizations and individuals, and for cycling-related causes such as a new parking lot on the American Tobacco Trail, bicycles for children of low income families, and support for organizations like Trip for Kids.

The process for this year’s donations has started, and we invite organizations who wish to receive funding from the Tarwheels to submit a proposal.  Proposals can be for any amount up to $5,000. We expect to have as much as $11,000 to award this year.

The Tarwheels board will review the proposals, and may invite a representative from each proposal to present at the October Tarwheels Board meeting.

Please send a PDF of no more than 2 pages and a budget outlining expenses to info@tarwheels.net. The deadline for Tarwheels grant requests is September 30th, 2016.

Please share with friends and cycling organizations in the Triangle area.